Sunday, August 27, 2017

When We Become One

The brain waves of two musicians can synchronize when performing together

Amazing-Facts-about-Your-Brain-that-Will-Blow-Your-Mind TATIANA AYAZO /RD.COM

There’s a scientific reason why your favorite bands and musicians blend together harmoniously. A team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany, used electrodes to record the brain waves of 16 pairs of guitarists as they played the same musical sequence. Even though the two individuals in each pair played different parts, their brain waves synchronized. "This study suggests that there’s a neural blueprint for coordinating actions with others," explains Brock. "Brain waves, neurochemicals, and some say even heartbeats start to sync and become similar in those singing together or in choirs."

This article in it's entirely can be found at Brain Facts

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Sun, 2pm, TtF17


Sun Officiator
Music We Have Come Into This House
Music Everlasting God
Offering Music Bigger
Intro Senior Pastor Jason
Preacher Lee Stoneking

Sat, 11:45am, TtF17


Sat Service Officiator
Music Bigger
Music Everlasting God
Intro Minister Daniel Autrey
Young Minister Kevin Dietmeyer 
Music Hands Toward Heaven
Announcements Daniel Autrey
Offering Daniel Autrey
Offering Music Waiting
Intro Senior Bishop Varnum
Preacher Lee Stoneking

Fri, 7:30pm, TtF17


Fri Night Officiator
Music We Have Come Into This House
Music Chains We Wore
Intro Minister Rashidi Collins
Young Minister Dillon Morgan
Announcements Rashidi Collins
Offering Rashidi Collins
Offering Music We Win
Music Where I Belong
Intro Senior Pastor Jason
Preacher Doug Klinedinst

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Thurs, 7:30pm, TtF 2017


Thurs Night Officiator
Music You're Mighty
Music Make Us Holy
Welcome Pastor Jason
Music Hands Toward Heaven
Intro Minister Joe Campetella
Young Minister Madison Richardson
Announcements Joe Campetella
Offering Joe Campetella
Offering Music Work Things Out
Intro Senior Bishop Varnum
Preacher Wayne Huntley

Sunday, April 2, 2017

How To Be Prepared For Tonight

Hi, Choir! 
Rather than text you a million links today, I've had the brilliant idea of putting it all in this one location. (Hopefully everybody will take it seriously and utilize it. Help this work by making sure your friends DO!) 

Tonight we'll do "dress rehearsal" for TtF... Solid black uniform. (No printed sleeves, no patterned shirts, etc. Solid, is solid, is solid.) For men, white button-down shirts with a collar and neckties. ACCENT: Silver (a metallic is allowed) &/or pale pink. (This means men can shop for silver &/or pale pink ties) Ladies, the scarf or shell the is MINIMAL should be silver &:or pale pink. & don't forget, ladies are not required to wear an accent color at all. I personally usually opt for the solid. 

Obviously, if you don't yet have your accent color, or TtF uniform, do your best for tonight. Your voice is more important than your clothes. Just be there! 💕

Tim Powell gave me this info this morning about suit deals, if you need a black suit for choir.
K&G buy one for 239.00, get 2  free. The total with tax is 255.00. On Colonial in Orlando by Burlington Coat Factory.

The choir has done all of our new songs now, except the one the worship team led us in this morning.
Here's that link so you can be ready for tonight...

Here are the others that we'll do tonight...

Our new material practices are the 1st Monday of the month now... That's tomorrow! I'm working on trying to get some technicians so I can teach you via livestream, which means you can learn from the privacy of your home. I'll text that outcome. Whether we're via livestream, or in-person at the church; PRACTICE IS TOMORROW NIGHT AT 7pm. 

The choir is singing Easter Sun morning. I'll speak with Bro Richard about Sun Staff. And I'll let you know later when we'll rehearse for it.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Closer To Glory

It's likely that most any of the singers and musicians of the Souls Harbor music department could audition for any secular music situation and win that audition. (I guess it's possible that my sentiment and attachment to my peeps makes me prejudice. Maybe.) Our singers and musicians are very good. But being "very good" is not all it takes to make the cut at Souls Harbor.

To me music is spiritual. Even secular music. Somehow it stirs our spirit, inspiring us or depressing us. It's why I don't have a steady diet of secular music. I have an iTunes music subscription and could listen to the best and newest of all secular music. But just because Twinkies and pizza are available to me doesn't mean they should be my steady diet. And the same goes for secular music. When we take in non-Christian music we are making our soul sluggish, too lethargic to respond to God's voice, even if we could hear Him above the noise of worldly-music's influence. 

Because of the spiritual affects of music, I encourage people to be involved in the music department. Just music-practice itself has a spiritual affect most aren't even realizing. Also, the accountability of being in the music department is a "savior" in time of temptation. People will abstain from the wrong path simply because they do not want to experience being "sat down" from choir. I can't tell you how many Sunday nights in my own life I was so depressed I didn't want to go to church, but my accountability to choir pushed my attendance, and that service made a huge difference in my ability to function through that week. 

But being in the music department isn't a free-for-all.

Being born again is a free-for-all.
Being moved on by the Holy Ghost is a free-for-all.
Healing is a free-for-all.
Attending church is a free-for-all.
Singing in youth choir is a nearly-free-for-all.

But being in the adult music department is not a free-for-all.

It has such stringent requirements that we try to avoid new babes in Christ from having to chew such "steak" of information. The requirements for involvement are for the spiritually-mature, the commited, those who understand they're in the very same yoke as pastor. If you know pastor wouldn't do something, dress some way, speak some things, then the people of the music department doesn't either. 

The music department (and truly every church department) doesn't live by less of a standard than our pastor. Whatever it takes for him to please God, be anointed of God, be used of God is EXACTLY what it takes for the music department. Same goal. Same standards.

And I'm not meaning only "same standards of dress." Of course that is involved in our requirements. But the same standard of quality, having a single-minded focus on soul-winning and revival. The same standard of quality on having a move of God in a service. We are ONE unit, the music department with our pastor, in the SAME yoke, ploughing the SAME field, with the agenda to have God interrupt our proceedings with His Glory.

You can ask any of those who I've asked to lead musical groups, and they will tell you that spiritual & pastoral commitment comes before talent. Unlike secular groups, auditions for the music department of Souls Harbor doesn't happen on a stage with a mic or instrument. Auditions for us happens on your Facebook page, in your seat during church, in the grocery store, on your vacation. If your out of the spotlight behaviors match our needs, we'll see if you also have a gift of music. It doesn't mean you're a "sinner" if you don't rise to the occasion. It means we don't share the same goal and purpose, and would therefore make yoke-pulling with pastor much harder than is necessary.

The closer we are to God's Glory (that is our intention of experiencing it, and making a way for the church to experience it) then the more is required of us. 

The children of Israel recognized this requirement and chose to have "just Moses" experience God's glory. This was not what neither Moses, nor God wanted. What a shame that the people did not rise to the occasion and together meet and welcome the Glory of God. 

What an amazing opportunity we have always had to be first partakers of God's power and glory. I can't tell you how in awe I am of my experiences with God that I've had from being in choir. From the age of thirteen, standing on the back row of the alto section, channeling the Glory of God to a congregation of broken people. From the vantage point of the choir loft I so quickly saw people respond to the moving of God. It has sustained me for all of these years. As you know, I've done much solo, and recording work. But NOTHING has been so fulfilling to me than the music department of Souls Harbor. Just a few months ago I was talking to a major, nationally known producer about a new album. He asked me what I was willing to commit to make a national album. I told him, "I'm not willing to miss weekends at my church. My choir helping my congregation have a move of God in church is my life-purpose. This album is a hobby." I haven't heard back from him. And that's ok, because what that producer loves about me is an ingredient that ONLY comes from my commitment and submission to my local church. If I lose that ingredient, I lose "the secret sauce!" I am so grateful for my choir experiences! 

In the Souls Harbor music department we are ALL going to be a part of getting closer and closer to The Glory. It is how we take that little bit of Heaven we experience in church, and touch the people of our community with His love for them.